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Massey University

Kelly T.C. (2006):

This study used a questionnaire that sought to help researchers understand how to improve recycling and the general attitudes towards recycling at a university. Recycling was generally well supported, and there were overall positive attitudes towards recycling. Furthermore, students and staff both reported that they recycled.


• The study suggests that the university should put more signs in places that will prompt people to recycle.
• It is shown that it is important to provide information to people about where people’s recyclables were going in order to increase recycling behavior.
• Convenience is also an important factor. Recycling bins were placed in more locations that people would be likely to recycle.

Source: Kelly, T. C., Mason, I. G., Leiss, M. W., & Ganesh, S. (2006). University community responses to on-campus resource recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 47(1), 42-55. doi:

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